Seal extravaganza on our 7-hour trip!
During all our trips recently, we have been treated to some spectacular seal encounters, however one on our 7-hour trip stood out especially! The trip started with some lovely wildlife as soon as we entered Falmouth Bay, with some greater black backed gulls fighting over a guillemot directly in front of us, which was such an extraordinary and exciting sight for us all to see! After that, we discovered some lovely oyster catchers, which is another wonderful and intriguing bird! Whilst observing the oyster catchers we also stumbled across a huge plethora of shags and cormorants both in and out of the water, but suddenly, we looked up and heard the call of a beautiful peregrine falcon perched in the top of the cliff face just above the nesting pairs of fulmars! This was just such a phenomenal encounter especially to be able to see and complete a count showing at least 12 mating pairs of fulmars around the cliff faces at the mouth of the Helford River!
However, after these encounters we were approached by a very large, male grey seal! He chose to come right up close to us whilst we remained stationary giving everyone a show with a big grin and just some wonderful social behaviour! Following on from that we came across a sudden emergence of about 15 different seals all along the coastline as we headed back to shore! A truly mesmerising encounter and trip for everyone on board!